SDS Blog

First Time Buyers Mistakes in Southern California

First time buyers should not feel intimated by the real estate market, however, they should know what to watch out for! Buying a home is a very exciting, but one mistake could take the wind right out of your sails.   Read below to see

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Best Apps for Landlords to Use in Temecula CA

Managing rental properties can be a lot of work! Once you have more than one, it can be tough to keep track of everything. Thankfully, technology is making owning rental properties easier than ever. There are many different types of software out there designed to

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4 Tips for First Time Home Sellers in Temecula CA

Buying and selling a home are two very different processes. First time home sellers may not know all that goes into successfully selling their house. It takes some work to find a buyer while getting the price you want. Below, find our… 4 best tips for first time

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Own Your First Rental in Temecula CA: A Checklist

Are you thinking about buying your first rental property? Being a landlord can be a challenging experience. There are many things to keep track of, and one mistake can cost you. In our latest post, we have put together a checklist for the process of

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